Job offers
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Últimas ofertas de trabajo en Ciencia y Tecnología en Japón:
JREC-IN: Career support portal site for all researchers and research staff in Japan
EURAXESS-Japan: Free information and events on research funding, research careers, mobility and collaboration opportunities
Últimas ofertas de trabajo en Ciencia y Tecnología en España-Europa:
Early Stage Researcher at Universitat Politècnica de València
2 available PhD student positions in our group from the ITACA Institute (Universitat Politècnica de València, Spain), within the scope of the MARIE CURIE PersonalizeAF Network (ITN), funded by the European Commission H2020.
This research will focus on Signal Processing Technologies and Artificial Intelligence for the characterization of atrial fibrillation.
36-month contracts with an after-tax salary of around € 2,000 / month.
Those people who meet the following requirements may request these places:
- Degree in engineering, physics or mathematics. (preferably biomedical, computer, telecommunications or electronics).
- Be in possession of the master's degree or plan to finish it this 2019/2020 course.
- Comply with the mobility rule (in the 36 months prior to hiring, having not resided more than 12 months in Spain)
The goal would be for hires to be made before July 1, 2020.
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